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Ghost stories with Claire
Ghost stories with Claire
We catch up with our former ghost tour extraordinaire Claire Finn to see whether she has any spooky stories to tell.

Autism and me
Autism and me
Michael, one of our educational facilitators at the National Justice Museum tells up about the positives of being Autistic.

Staying proud
Staying proud
With so many changes within legislation and human rights, the question has emerged in recent years; why is Pride still relevant?

Ultimate travel list
Ultimate travel list
We’re delighted that the National Justice Museum has been chosen as one of the 500 top experiences and hidden gems in Great Britain.

The ‘Bloody Code’?
The ‘Bloody Code’?
The Bloody Code imposed the death penalty for over 200 offences – many of which were surprisingly trivial.

Sandford award
Sandford award
Nottingham’s National Justice Museum has received a prestigious Sandford Award for Heritage Education.
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