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The National Justice Museum explores untold stories of Black presence

The National Justice Museum…

Tours, events, and displays are planned throughout October in the culmination of months of research into Black presence at the historic site


National Justice Museum opens call out for object donations from Black Legal Professionals

National Justice Museum opens…

The National Justice Museum is looking to expand its collection to reflect the diversity within the legal profession, and to share the lived experiences and the contributions made by Black legal professionals.


National Justice Museum announces judges for Freedom photography competition

National Justice Museum…

World world-renowned photographer, writer and director Brian Griffin leads a panel of judges for the National Justice Museum’s open call photography exhibition on the theme of Freedom. Griffin, along with fellow judges Amanda Sinclair and Ofilaye, will choose from hundreds of applicants to award a creative residency at the National Justice Museum in 2023 with £1,000 budget for the lucky winner.


National Justice Museum Wins 2022 Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Award

National Justice Museum Wins…

National Justice Museum today announced it has been recognised by Tripadvisor as a 2022 Travellers’ Choice award winner. The award celebrates businesses that have received great reviews from travellers around the globe on Tripadvisor over the last 12 months. As challenging as the past year was, National Justice Museum stood out by consistently delivering positive experiences to travellers.


Rolls Building Art and Education Trust & The Technology and Construction Court Art Competition

Rolls Building Art and…

2023 is the 150th anniversary of The Technology and Construction Court (TCC), a major specialist Court that deals with disputes about building, engineering and all kinds of technology including software. The TCC is based in the Rolls Building, a spacious and modern courthouse in London's legal heartland.

As part of the anniversary celebrations, there will be a competition for young artists. Entries can be 2D artworks in any medium (except exclusively photography) and relate to the themes of Construction or Technology.


National Justice Museum opens submissions for photography exhibition with a £1,000 prize at stake

National Justice Museum opens…

The call out is open to photographers from around the UK, from professionals to amateurs


National Justice Museum to receive £362,900 in fund which helps safeguard nation's cultural heritage

National Justice Museum to…

The National Justice Museum in Nottingham has been awarded a grant of £362,900 by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, delivered by Arts Council England.


The National Justice Museum publishes Letters of Constraint

The National Justice Museum…

The newly released book is an intimate collection of letters and diary entries from lockdown


National Justice Museum wins Best Museums Change Lives Project at Museums Change Lives Awards 2021

National Justice Museum wins…

The National Justice Museum has been awarded the Best Museums Change Lives Project at this year’s Museums Change Lives awards for our Make it Yours: Workshops in an Envelope project.


Welcome back S.H.E.D!

Welcome back S.H.E.D!

For two weeks in August 2021 summer, the National Justice Museum hosted a variety of exciting events, film screenings, talks and activities as part of S.H.E.D - the Social Higher Education Depot.


‘Freed Soul’ letters

‘Freed Soul’ letters

For Women’s History Month 2021, we’re sharing a collection of Charlotte Bryant letters from our archives.


Justice week 2021

Justice week 2021

An interview with His Honour Judge John Burgess about the impact of COVID-19 on legal proceedings in Nottingham.

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