Words We Live By: A Guide to LGBTQ+ Language

Until Sunday 29 September 2024

This Project Lab installation features a glossary produced by members of LGBTQ+ youth groups in England. 

The guide helps us to understand the language used by many young LGBTQ+ people to describe their lives and their identities so that we can better support them through their journey into adulthood. 

Language changes all the time, and so the words the young people involved in this project have put forward - and the definitions they’ve given them - will be different to those of people from other generations and other parts of the world.

Visitors to this installation can suggest words that you might have included if you were compiling your own glossary of LGBTQ+ words; your contributions will be added to a digital archive produced by the University of Nottingham. 

Visitors will also have the chance to learn key LGBTQ+ words in British Sign Language, thanks to a collaboration with the charity Deaf Rainbow.

View the glossary here

If you want to follow the project on different social media account, find them here: 



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